Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Fulfilled Woman - Sanctify My Lips, LORD!

Even Balaam's ass was used of ADONAI to send forth a message...but what about those times when our words aren't from ADONAI?

They are just tantamount to the words of a stubborn jackass.

As I became involved in women's ministry years ago, the LORD continually was calling to my mind the great importance of guarding my tongue.  I found myself praying before receiving any phone calls, 'LORD, make my words to be seasoned with salt they might impart GRACE to the hearers'.

I still pray the same today.  In fact, it is so necessary to our Kingdom Life's work - this business of our lips - that I wonder on occasion just how much unholy worldliness do I allow to flow from my lips.

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. ~ Ephesians 4:29

And just like the s'rafim charred the unclean lips of Yesha'yahu (Isaiah), may the fire of HIS GLOWING WORD so, too, today sanctify my lips and yours...

"Here!  This has touched your lips.  Your iniquity is gone, your sin is atoned for." ~ Yesha'yahu 6:6

Thank You, Abba, for using a jackass like me.  Still, I pray and hope that it is Your Message and not mine that I am conveying...for the sake of HaSHEM!

Shalom aleichem b'Shem YESHUA Adoneinu!
(Shalom be upon you in the Name of Jesus, our LORD)
Carmen Schroeder, Women of the Word


Jan Ross said...

Oh Carmen, you made me laugh but your message was so clear. When we speak out of flesh, we sound no better than braying jackass. But, when the words of our mouth are His words, they are powerful and compassionate and reflect the holiness of our Holy God!

Excellent word, my friend ... excellent!

Carmen said...

It's easy, in our Christian walks, to mistakenly believe that because (in our minds) we're doing the right 'churchy' things, all is well with our fruit (or lack thereof)....when nothing could be further from the truth. There's a legalist in all of us! ;o)
thanks be to our LORD that we don't have to operate from that self-righteous man...