Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eternal Purposes Fulfilled

Years ago when still in my teens, the doctors told me it was impossible for me to have children. Obviously, I was devastated. After we married, my desire for children became somewhat of an obsession. Every month we prayed it would be THE month. This went on for several years while we continued to believe God for a child. We applied for adoption. We did everything we could think of that was within our ability to do. Then, suddenly, despite every natural fact, we had our firstborn son. Thirty-three years later, we have six grown children (three are adopted) and fourteen amazing grandchildren. What a miraculous thing God has done!

When I take time to contemplate it all, I can't help but be reminded of Abraham and the family God had planned for him, even when he was considered to be unable to father a child because of his advanced age.

"Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable." (Hebrews 11:12)

From one man, whose body was old and as good as dead (in our eyes we would have considered him to have no more possibility of fathering a child than a dead man would have), sprang forth a nation chosen of God, ordained by God, and loved by God. The entire Jewish nation came from that one man who dared to believe God. As the reward of His faithfulness he was made the father and founder of an entire nation that continues to increase even today.

One wonders if Abraham even had a glimpse of what God's purpose for his life really entailed. Just the thought of it would make us wonder if we really have any clue of what God purposes through our own lives.

Abraham's obedience to God made a way for God's eternal purposes to be fulfilled. OUR obedience to God makes the way for God's eternal purposes to be fulfilled. Abraham, the Father of Faith, was human just like us, but his obedience and faith opened the door to many blessings too numerous to count. Our obedience and faith will do no less.

Take some time today and examine your life. Look for areas where you can become more obedient to His Word. He is looking for submitted vessels through which He can accomplish His will in the earth. May He find them in us!

Father, once again I have examined my life and find areas in which my obedience and submission to You are sorely lacking. Forgive me, Lord, and help me to live a life of submission pleasing to You. Father, I long to look into Your Word and see myself as in a mirror, revealing all the areas of my life that are not pleasing to You. Lord, take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

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