Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Biggest Little Word

One of the most often quoted verses in the Bible begins with one of the least understood phrases: "For God so loved..."

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

God's love surpasses anything our minds can comprehend. His love is limitless, His love is complete, His love is perfect.

Though some may look down their noses at people who, for whatever reason, are less than acceptable, God so loves.

Though we may fail to understand how God could love someone who has committed a heinous, unthinkable crime, God so loves.

Though we may have been wounded by someone who has misunderstood us, spitefully used us, or rejected us, God so loves.

"So." The biggest little word in the Bible. How much does God love us? He "so" loves us.

Included in that little word "so" are all the agonies of the cross. Nothing withheld, the greatest sacrifice of all is captured in the word "so".

As we seek the Lord day by day, our understanding of the awesomeness and vastness of "so" will increase.

How much does our God love? So much. So far. So deep. So great. So high. So thoroughly. So perfectly. So amazingly. He loves "so".

Father, the depth of Your love is so overwhelming. My mind can hardly comprehend a love such as Yours toward a people who are "so" undeserving. How can I ever thank You for such a gift so freely given? Thank You for "so" loving me, in Jesus' name, amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

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