Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hidden Treasure

God looks on the heart, not at the outward appearance of man. That is so contrary to the way our society does things. Look at the television, the billboards, the magazine covers, etc. For the most part, the most handsome faces and shapely bodies are advertised as the "norm" and everyone who doesn't conform to this level of "beauty" needs help. So, the make-up companies make money in an attempt to help women cover up their flaws. The personal diet companies are making untold millions while everyone tries the latest fad diet to lose weight to look like some model or superstar. I could go on but there's no need—it's quite clear.

Aren't you glad that God looks past our outward appearance and discerns the heart?

"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Samuel made the mistake of assuming the most handsome and "kingly" looking son of Jesse would be the one he would anoint as king of Israel. The Lord, on the other hand, had in mind a young shepherd boy who, when summoned to meet the prophet, was more concerned about leaving his sheep unattended than meeting with Samuel. His heart was tender . . . like the heart of God.

I want a heart like God's, don't you? Let's start by not judging by appearance but rather looking at others the way God sees them, understanding that they are ALL the handiwork of the Creator, made to glorify Him.

Father, I admit that all too often I get caught up in judging others by their appearance, forgetting that the outward appearance has little to do with the treasure hidden in the heart. Lord, teach me to grow in character that most resembles You, with a heart like Yours, that sees beauty beyond the veil of flesh, the beauty hidden in the heart of redeemed man. In Jesus' name, amen and amen.

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Dee Yoder said...

Oh, so right, Jan! I don't get the chance to read as many blogs as I'd like, including yours, but when I DO get the chance to read your posts, I'm ALWAYS encouraged. Thanks for being a faithful and good encourager.