Saturday, January 10, 2009

Your Life and End Time Prophecy

Bodie and Brock Thoene

Dear Friends,

For the last week we have watched in disgust as The History Channel presented a series of programs called, "Armageddon Week."

Giving the impression they are presenting End Times scenarios to inform and educate, these programs distort, mock and downplay Biblical Prophecy. Biblical scholars who have spent a lifetime of study have been quoted out of context in 5-second sound bites. As passages of the Bible are quoted, bizarre medieval etchings of contorted devils and demons dance in the background. Brock and I know and greatly respect Jerry Jenkins and Joel Rosenburg. We have listened to and admire the scholarship and teaching of Hal Lindsay personally. Though we may not agree with every scriptural interpretation of our friends, we agree that the details will all be made clear by the Lord very soon. We regret to say after hearing the teaching of these good, earnest, scholars:

The recorded, butchered, History Channel programs they have appeared on for brief seconds make respected, reasonable, Christian Biblical scholars look and sound like fanatical fools. (Sorry guys. We understand that your interviews were actually hours long and only snippets were used.)

At the same time, this channel presents false New Age prophecies; like the Mayan calendar that predicts the World will end on December 21, 2012.

Entire 'educational' programs are dedicated to presenting weird, occult beliefs; elements of truth stolen from scripture, contorted into New Age gibberish.

Dear friends, we have read and studied scripture for over 40 years. We are certain Bible prophecy is not a series of unintelligible rubbish accompanied by contorted sketches of Satan and his demons tormenting lost souls in Hell.

The program about the Bible Code worked hard to debunk the existence of Almighty God. While acknowledging the remarkable nature of the Hebrew language in the Bible, it presented the possibility that it was written by SPACE ALIENS!

The Lord God Almighty is a God of order. We have said many times in our novels: "Everything means something." Every letter and word in the Holy Bible is of enormous significance.

An example might be the most "boring" list of genealogy. The Hebrew names all have meanings which, when listed together, speak of God's love and plan of redemption.

Remember: there is NO 'hidden meaning' in Torah which in anyway contradicts the visible text.

Torah is comprised of the first 5 books of the Judeo-Christian Bible. There is not one word or letter in all of inspired scripture that is not significant for the past, for the present, and for the future.

The prophecies of other religions are convoluted, and veiled, and subject to a myriad of interpretations. We heard the world would end in 2000 and now we are hearing December 12, 2012 is the date. (And if that should fail, asteroid strikes in 2028 or 2032 are waiting in the wings!)

Nonsense! When you hear a specific day, date, or time, be CERTAIN you are hearing a lie.

Jesus said clearly in Matthew 24:36, "No one knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

How many times have people put on their white robes and gone up on a mountain expecting to be taken to heaven in the night?

These kinds of doomed-to-fail predictions are meant by Satan to DESTROY YOUR FAITH!

The passage in Matthew continues with the warning that the end days will be like those when Noah made the ark ready. Noah knew something was coming, but he did not know exactly when. He was ready when it all broke loose and the Lord tells us we must also be ready…

The Lord gives all the signs, and then goes on to say this: "So you must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (Matthew 24:42)

This passage is followed by the Parable of the 10 Virgins. Five quit watching when the hour grew late, and they went to sleep. They were left out of the wedding feast.

We believe many in the church will stop expecting Jesus because they put so much energy into believing false New Age prophets who say the end will happen in 2012. That date WILL COME AND GO, and those who pin the return of Jesus to that date will then stop believing the clear prophecies recorded in God's Word.

(And what if He comes BEFORE 2012? Would they…or you…be ready?)

The Bible is very straightforward in its description of the End Times.

The signs of our time are so clear that, like Noah, we can be certain we are living out those final days.

1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:1-11 reminds us of the circumstances and events which will precede the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. "But you, brothers, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief…"

We who know and love the Lord are commanded that we must encourage one another and continue the work of sharing God's love and plan of salvation with all we meet.

The day is coming SOON when all Biblical prophecy will be fulfilled. Day by day we see history and prophecy collide. Though we cannot name the Day and Hour, you and we may soon step from this life into the presence of the Lord. We will SEE our Savior, the Lord Jesus, as He descends from heaven.

Meanwhile, EVERY day is the end of the world for someone. Someone near you may be leaving this earth soon without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Look around you, dear friend. There is not one face which will not one day stand before the Lord. "At the Name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." (Phil. 2:10, and see Is. 45:23)

Time on this earth is nothing compared to Eternity. Time is measured only by how long it takes for earth to go around the sun. The moment will arrive when there is no more time. What follows is either eternity in Heaven, or an eternity of separation from the Lord….



Share the hope and joy of the Lord with someone you know. Here are ideas: If you own even one Thoene novel, lend it to someone you know. Donate it to your church library. Place it on the lending shelves of a local hospital, therapy center or convalescent home.

Offer copies of Why a Shepherd? or Why a Crown? or another Gospel publication to a prison chaplain.

Download an A.D. Chronicles audio book from Then invite a group of friends and neighbors to listen to one audio episode every week. Discuss the audio book story and share Jesus over coffee and cookies.

Who knows? Maybe that person you help lead to Christ will be the very last soul won before the Lord calls His children out of this world to meet Him in the air!

"Then we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words…" I Thes. 4:17-18


Blessings in Jesus' Name.

Bodie and Brock

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Thank you for posting this, Jan. When I read that Joel Rosenburg was going to be featured on one episode of "Armageddon Week", I taped that episode. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of viewing it, I had to delete it. As Bodie detailed in your post, the program was edited until it was scarcely recognizable. While unfortunate and disappointing, I think the saddest thing is that it wasn't surprising ...