Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ok, So I’m a Slow Learner!

The Israelites were simply slow learners. God miraculously delivered them from Egyptian bondage, He performed awesome signs and wonders to not only convinced Pharaoh to free them but to convince the Israelites themselves that the Lord God Himself was the One calling them out. He led them out of bondage, parted the Red Sea for them to cross safely as He allowed the waters to swallow up their enemies. They looked back and literally saw the waters engulf the armies in hot pursuit. They were on the other side of the water rejoicing for the awesome work of God. Then, within just a very few days they were grumbling and complaining … "Oh that God would have left us in Egypt where we sat by pots of food!" How carnal!

These past few days I feel like an Israelite might have felt … slow to learn even when God shows me His mighty deeds. And, shame on me!

Our internet has been out. I've grumbled and complained. I've been on the phone to technical people and haven't been real nice, spitting and fuming about such poor service and they just don't seem to care that I NEED INTERNET! Then it hit me … OH, THAT GOD WOULD HAVE LEFT US IN EGYPT WHERE WE HAD HIGH-SPEED INTERNET! And, I cringed!

God miraculously delivered us from our own Egypt where we were in bondage to a huge house payment, insurmountable medical bills, high utility costs, high car payments, and a fast-paced city life. Oh, it was nice. We had what we wanted. But we worked hard to keep things close enough to the surface of the water to take a breath now and then!

Suddenly, my husband came home and announced he is no longer needed at his job and he is done. Simple as that! Done! But God …

The Lord led us out of Egypt through a series of miraculous events, we paid off the high car payment, we were able to work out a deal on our house, we moved to the country about 100 miles away, and we're free from the bondage. The drawback? Expensive satellite internet that provides s-l-o-w service, not much faster than dial-up.

Yes, I'll tell you … I feel like an Israelite. Sitting on the banks of the Red Sea, just having watched my enemy engulfed in the thunderous waters, and already complaining because of what I left behind. As slow as the Israelites were to learn their lessons, much to my dismay, I've been no different.

I need to open my Treasure Book (my Bible) and pull out a beautiful gem called "transformation". But, not until I pass through a layer of "repentance". So, if you'll bear with me …

Father, I repent! I am so sorry for my impatience. I am so incredibly sorry for even thinking about comparing what we 'used to have' to what You have so incredibly miraculously blessed us with now. Father, I fear I have become like an Israelite to You, testing Your patience, and perhaps almost too burdensome to carry. Forgive me, Lord, and cleanse me from my unrighteousness. Create a right spirit within me and renew me by Your forgiveness through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Lord, I am a slow learner sometimes. Help me to speed it up a little bit. I don't want to offend You or take what You've given us for granted. I don't want to act like a spoiled child. Help me to trust You with me 'haves' and 'have nots'. Transform me, Lord, by taking my heart and molding it into Your image, for Your glory, and Your honor. I long to only please You, with high-speed or low-speed internet. In Jesus' precious name, amen and amen.

© Jan Ross 2007
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

midspoint said...

Dear, dear, Jan!! You brought tears to my eyes~aren't we all that way at times, and yet, God sees our repentant hearts and that's the difference... He will uplift and hold you in His Hands and keep you as you figure out all of this transformation in your life! Hang in there, we haven't seen "nutin'" yet!! I'm so honored to be your friend~keep in touch! Cyberhugs...lotsa them!!