Friday, April 23, 2010

Not a Private Matter

Paul was bold in his proclamation of faith, not wavering, but holding fast to that which he believed with all his heart. He truly embraced the cross of Christ and all it stands for—His sufferings, His death, and our salvation through a crucified Redeemer. As a matter of fact, Paul was so far from being offended or ashamed at the cross of Christ, that he desired to glory in nothing else and it was his determination to preach the cross till he drew his dying breath regardless of the cost to him personally. Paul knew that without the cross there would have been no redemption, no joy, and no hope.

"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ ..." (Galatians 6:14)

How do we compare today? Do we consider our faith to be a "private matter" and, therefore, never discuss it publicly? Are we offended or ashamed when someone asks us about our faith? Do we get nervous or shaky when we're asked about the reason for our joy? Can we openly express our faith in public, in one-on-one conversations, and with those we come in contact during our day-to-day encounters? Do we find our solace and comfort at the foot of the cross where our sins were washed pure in the crimson flow? Do our lives show that we "glory" in the cross of Christ by esteeming nothing or no one higher than Him and regarding His sacrifice as the most important gift ever given to us?

Take a few moments to examine your heart today. Then answer this question: In whom or in what do I glory most? Can I boldly proclaim with Paul, "I GLORY in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!"

Father, my desire is to be like Paul in his pursuit of the riches contained in the cross of Christ. Forgive me for when I have been ashamed or even timid about my faith. Teach me to be bold. But more than anything today, Lord, teach me to glory in the cross esteeming the sacrifice of Christ above all else. Thank you, Lord, for your immeasurable gift of love that I'm learning to cherish more and more as each day passes! I love You, Lord! Amen!

© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

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