Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bless It Forward

I read a letter from a friend this morning and that contained a statement that jumped out at me. "Never keep something that God has intended for you to give away."

Woah! It hit me like a ton of bricks! Yes! It makes sense in light of the fact that everything we have in life is borrowed or on loan from God. Our ownership, regardless of how many legal papers we have proving ownership, is only temporary; ultimately all that we have belongs to the Lord.

Ps 24:1 bears this out: "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." If the Lord entrusts something to us, we must be careful to do with it as He leads—if it is to give away, give it away!

I've come to believe one of the problems with the Body of Christ is that we're not listening closely enough to God for instruction. We assume everything He gives us is to benefit us personally when, in fact, most of that which He gives us is intended to be given away.

I'm reminded of a movie I saw once—I think it was called "Pay It Forward". Well, I believe the same principle exists in the Kingdom of God except it would be called "Bless It Forward". Rather than giving to someone because they have given to you … give to someone BEFORE they give to you out of sheer obedience to God.

Bless others BEFORE you've been blessed. Take what you have: talent, energy, encouraging words, material wealth, abilities, etc., and begin to give it away. Why? Simply because God already owns these things in us. Remember? "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Psalm 24:1) Everything we are, He has given to us – not to keep or to squander on ourselves. Not to fill our heart with pride or self-satisfaction because of our achievements. Not to make us feel like we have achieved some status level in the Kingdom of God. But, simply because God gave these things to us intending for us to give them away.

Don't wait for others to pour into your lap the abundant blessings of this Christmas season. Take the initiative to give—not just a little, not just a token, but ALL that God has given to you because chances are that God never intended you to keep what you have … He intended to use you as a single link in a chain that continues blessing His people again and again and again.

Got talent? Give it away!

Got gifts? Give them away?

Got abilities? Give them away?

Got money? Give it away?

Been blessed with nice things that bless you? Bless someone else with them. The blessing you will derive will far surpass the blessing of keeping those 'nice things'.

"…The Lord Jesus himself said: `It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" (Acts 20:35 NIV)

Bless It Forward. Not only this Christmas season, but all year long!

© 2007 Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

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